Bucharest - Romania
(Google Maps)
24.05.2023 - 27.05.2023 (= 4 Tage)

Be our guest Book your calendar for May 24-27th 2023!

In a world where the only constant is change, how can one create a sustainable business or work environment? How can we turn the odds in our favour no matter the circumstances?

As a player in today’s economy and business world you know exactly how uncertainty feels, you’ve lived in the past years to the fullest and you maybe still trying to figure out how to be ready for the future.

We are ready to tackle a new era, with an ever changing, new business.

International Speakers

Over 30 speakers that will talk about leadership, entrepreneurship and personal development. Here is the place to be if you want to find exclusive insights from our experts and to interact with some of the brightest minds of our generation.

Quality Networking

We believe that the success of an event is reflected by its participants. We invite you to find people with similar interests and exchange ideas. Who knows, maybe you will find your next business partner here.

Famous Parties

We’ll kick it off and celebrate our new perspectives and friends with a big Romanian Style party. And trust us, we know how to do it! Don’t forget to take your dance moves and good vibes and we’ll meet you on the dance floor!

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